Santa Marta – Community Well

Recently our worker Jose traveled 4 km off the beaten path crossing a river, which happens to be the only way to get to this village called Santa Marta. Actually we have to travel about half a km down inside the waters of the river getting to the spot to exit for the community village of Santa Marta which has no electricity.


By |2024-08-14T18:39:29+00:00August 14, 2024|Nicaragua|0 Comments

Blessings and Love from Our Family to Yours

Blessings and love from our family to yours. We are praying all is well with you, your health, with your walk in life. Nowadays, times get fast if we allow it and it will take us away with a distraction that brings us weaker or stronger but with our hearts still on the same goal of what we are given through God’s grace. For people to feel His Love. To help whom we can especially the children, the orphans, the single moms, the elderly. From time and time again, the Bible illustrates such a boldness to us that we are to be fishers of men. To not just give but to teach, to promote God’s love through our actions of kindness. Like most men, I personally have seen things on both sides of the perspective of life. And from what I have come across, with God or without it seems that men cannot stay on one task when we know there is another to solve, especially when we know we can do something about it because it has given us the tools through the Holy Spirit.


By |2023-10-17T23:50:04+00:00September 7, 2023|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Mothers Day ~ Projects of Hope

On the third day there was a wedding at Cana in Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there. Jesus also was invited to the wedding with his disciples. When the wine ran out, the mother of Jesus said to him, “They have no wine.”

John 2:1-3, ESV

Being blessed with Angely and Tyanna, God has softened my heart even more for the mothers here in Nicaragua, allowing the Holy Spirit to enter my soul. Touching me in ways that now I wonder and think that mothers have these abilities because it is rooted in and through the journey of bearing, sustaining and raising a child.


By |2023-08-21T22:31:10+00:00May 30, 2023|News & Updates, Nicaragua|0 Comments

Project of Hope – Santa Martha School/Community Well

A cup of water can quench the thirst of the poor but a pack of food will turn their hearts to praise the Almighty God. Let’s not keep our love of God to ourselves, let’s bless with an overflowing bundance portion to those that are in need.

Proverbs 3:27 ~ Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, When it is in the power of your hand to do so

It is our duty to help those in need and to share what we have with the poor and needy. In doing so this favor is pleasing to our Father God when we help the poor because He has commanded that their poverty be supplied by the plenty and abundance that He has given to others, for as in us to share.


By |2023-08-18T17:33:36+00:00April 19, 2023|News & Updates, Nicaragua|0 Comments

Project of Hope ~ El Guayabal need of Water Tank

SoTherefore, since we have such a hope, we are very bold ~ Ephesians 3:12

As we set up to gear forward with more guidance from above to reach out to the lost, the poor, the hopeless to bring back a better view of hope out of despair.  The view from above that our gracious Father God set down upon our hearts to serve as one body of Christ here in Nicaragua through projects of Hope while repairing water wells.


By |2023-08-24T16:55:09+00:00March 23, 2023|News & Updates, Nicaragua|0 Comments

Project of Hope ~ Aqua Caliente

Therefore, I will now allure her, and bring her into the wilderness, and speak tenderly to her. – Hosea 2:14.

Hello, my friends, blessings, and love from my heart to yours.

Daily we think of how we all got connected through our savior Jesus Christ through prayers and thanksgiving. Each walked differently but has been saved by the same most powerful Father God to shine His light with acts of generosity, kindness, and love.


By |2023-09-07T16:01:40+00:00September 23, 2022|News & Updates, Nicaragua|0 Comments

Project in Xiloa

Have you ever watched a demonstration of a renewed life? Most of us probably have at some point. Like when a plant is dry, wilted, and hanging on to existence. Now, let’s consider what occurs when someone adds a refreshing cup of water. Life begins to be restored into the plant.

But, whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst: But, the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life ~ John 4:14


By |2022-05-27T19:00:46+00:00May 27, 2022|News & Updates, Nicaragua|0 Comments

Project in Santa Martha

As we were going into the area of Santa Martha, crossing a river that has no other option to enter the village (which now is extremely low) we took notice of women trying to wash clothes in this condition, along with not being as clean as it could be due to animals coming to feed and graze because of lack of rain.

Then it got me thinking of our Father God and His love for us. Because I knew what was about to transform this village of Santa Martha giving Him all the glory and honor. His love is a generous, selfless love. The love that He places in our hearts compels us to give generously, especially to those who lack what they need. Just like the partnerships we have here and donors who take on projects to repair wells and to restore hope that has been lost through their walks of life, who has felt abandoned but not just by people but by God.


By |2022-04-15T20:37:55+00:00April 7, 2022|News & Updates, Nicaragua|0 Comments

Project in Jabonera

Good evening and blessings to you and over you. Finally returning from close to a months time journey from El Chilamatal, we entered a new village at the intersection of Jabonera. Of course these names that I say you don’t know personally but now it’s possible to search Google map 🙂

Anyways I want to take time out personally for this letter of encouragement and testimony to such a mighty God we serve. Daily it appeared to me that we was under spiritual warfare. For some us we have had the great privilege to travel across seas to encounter this with greatness or some has encountered this through serving our community and even in our homes. ITS REAL!!!


By |2022-04-15T20:29:31+00:00March 11, 2022|News & Updates, Nicaragua|0 Comments

Project in El Chilamatal – Shelter Las Managuas

Psalm 91 says this: Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. This I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I trust him. For he will rescue you from every trap and protect you from deadly disease.

From the beginning of the Bible to the end water flows through the pages of scripture. It is full of passages that link water to Gods creating, blessing and restoring work. This alone shows us the importance of water in our spiritual lives.


By |2021-11-15T16:29:42+00:00October 22, 2021|Uncategorized|0 Comments
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