Reflection of God’s Grace After Devastation

The gospel of Jesus Christ is meant not to be bottled up and we should not allow it to be ignored. We should boldly spread it all over the world, local or on foreign soil. Believers in a Father who we never seen or felt but have the faith as small as a mustard seed to believe in such an amazing father, our God, showing what it means to live a good Christian life through helping those in need.


By |2021-02-09T19:25:14+00:00February 9, 2021|News & Updates, Nicaragua|0 Comments

Project in Sinai, El Desafío, Nicaragua

In the barrio Sinai, there a two community wells which was donated by a group called “Food for the Poor” in the 80’s. Both currently nonfunctional.  One is located close to the entrance of the main road (over 50 homes on this stretch alone) and the other closer to the other end. 


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