Being back in Managua sitting at my table in the house we rent, looking around at our belongings and admiring my beautiful gracious wife who endures my calling upon us as she grows into her own destiny of Gods plan. My precious miracle baby girl Tyanna, who I have so dearly missed as she grows daily in life. Holding her close to me, smelling and getting the aroma of a pure baby girl that saddens my heart because as I go serve our Lord the experiences she makes in life I miss seeing and taking part in.

Her sweet simple sounds that calms me with a reinsurance of what an amazing Father God we have. At the same time I find my mind and heart in the mountainous area of El Chilamatal of which is the first place our Father God led us to serve here in Nicaragua. Coming back on this journey through which God used us as vessels of his gracious love saturating with kindness and firmness in our belief that the only way to salvation is through Jesus Christ. One who redeems for us to go become fishermen.

With Gods guidance we came together to be a light that breaks through the dawn and be a part of healing that is so desperately needed into this village of El Chilamatal. Aqua de Vida was able to complete not just a double washroom where people can now clean themselves with the water from the well we repaired but now have a safe meeting place with a design I took from Gods vision. A concrete bench that seats over 6 with a sun base stretched out made from rocks from the river bed (literally we went down into the river to get) to represent Gods love upon this community and a lavadora (wash basin) so instead of walking down to the river, which on its own as all sets of obstacles….physical and mental. I will try to briefly describe the movement of the Holy Spirit that took part on this trip and add photos of the stages to the beginning process to the end.

“When I was thirsty, you gave me something to drink,” Jesus describes himself saying in the kingdom of heaven. “Just as you did to the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.”

Sometimes we may feel God is hard on us & doesn’t love us. Or we are put in a situation where we feel alone and isolated. Trust me at times my doubt comes into play also but Love and Trust are hand in hand in the Bible and in our relationship to the Lord. Our faith that made us say yes to God should be the stepping stone to have us return to the word of God. They also are hand in hand in our daily life. When we love someone we trust them and when we trust someone we love them. At the same time no one knows our heart like Jesus Christ. Our Father God cares about our attitudes/reflections toward and actions regarding the hungry, the widows, the strangers, the poverty and the orphans. In fact over 1000 verses throughout the Bible deals with issues of famine and hardship. For me personally as a missionary and I’m sure for as many more, clearly shows that God has a special heart for the weak/vulnerable and the poor. His concern that He expects His people to share because we have been blessed to be a blessing regardless of what we are going through, blessed because we are given another day to rise shining the light of Jesus and the love from which His sacrifice comes from.

Living in a rural village like El Chilamatal holds in its own midst of hardships and recently a loss of a young baby girl that we can’t begin to understand. This is when our faith as Christians, as followers of Jesus Christ we need to stand bold in firm of our Lords promising that his light shines while not ignoring the spiritual darkness of which often comes upon these situations as the devil we know comes to steal, kill, and destroy. Knowing this, knowing of what we have felt personally through the knowledge and love of the bible, we must not be ashamed of the gospel as we go about our work here restoring and repairing water wells. Following what God lays upon our hearts in projects as we serve for His glory and honor. Studies as shown today that there are millions of people around the world without access to clean water while billions do not use a toilet/shower, at the same time people are unreached with the gospel. The bible is loaded up with accounts of individuals in crisis and how God really focuses on them with love.

This project ended up being more than just a washroom. Started with classes of how to maintain and up keep the water well if anything comes up in the future while equipping them with knowledge and confidence to do on their own. In some ways I also was receiving knowledge with some of the task. It’s amazing the grace of God bringing us together, sharpening iron becoming more Christ like. At the same time talking about our own personal encounters with Father God and how He loves them. Doing this, the Holy Spirit starts to develop connections and expanding on relationships inside the village by integrating scripture into hygiene practices as we build the washroom. Doing this and taking time, opening our hearts and minds introduces people to God’s grace and mercy over all aspects of our lives.

So I guess the question is that I ask myself….do we have to decide on restoring wells for clean water or the gospel? No, to me the best and only answer is both. Like the Good Samaritan has we show compassion to strangers we meet and the Apostles being sent to spread and deliver as messengers believing in the teachings. Every single piece of our lives is a choice. Giving glory to God in not what we do, but what He has done, is doing, and will do.

Thanks to all the partners hearts. Blessings and love from family.

“For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labor of love, which ye have shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister. And we desire that every one of you do shew the same diligence to the full assurance of hope unto the end: That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises. Hebrew 6:10-12